やっぱり手荷物お預かりします。NYC マラソン

今日主催者からメールが来て、希望者はスタートで手荷物を預ける事ができるようになった。何も預けないランナーはゴール直後の出口から出てTシャツと防寒用ポンチョをもらえる。預けた人は1時間くらい並ぶかもしれないが、遠い出口の方で荷物を受け取ることになるらしい。このメールには荷物を預けた人もTシャツとポンチョをもらえるかどうかは明記していない。 うーん、これは多分預けないだろうなぁ。

You will be able to choose from two options:

• New No-Baggage "Early Exit" option: If you choose this option, you'll be guaranteed the earliest exit from Central Park. After you finish, you'll receive a Marathon Finish Line Poncho and a long-sleeve limited-edition T-shirt, and have fastest access to the Family Reunion area, "Call Home" stations, and public transportation.
• Baggage option: If you choose this option, you'll check baggage in the Start Village and pick up your bag as you leave Central Park at exits farther up on West Drive. Please note that we still anticipate congestion, and it could take up to an hour to retrieve your bag and exit the park. The bag will be smaller than in years past (although large enough to hold shoes, warm clothing, and small personal items).